The Godfather Blog 2 Lighting

Title: The Godfather

Writer: Francis Ford Coppola

Director: Francis Ford Coppola

Year: 1972

Actors: Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan and Richard S. Castellan

The Godfather utilizes multiple types of lighting throughout the movie depending on the scene and the mood being portrayed in the scene. Many of the scenes are shot outside during what would be daylight so natural lighting would be used as in the example shown in the trailer attached during the wedding scene. This portrays a happy time for the family, however during the wedding Don Corleone has multiple visitors as it is tradition that no offer can be refused on the day of his daughters wedding. These scenes are shot indoors in his office setting where the lighting is more muted and possibly using the three-point lighting type. In other scenes shot outside in what would be the evening or night time hours a very dramatic lighting is used such as low-key lighting. This type of lighting creates a very dramatic effect as shown in the scene where the police captain is beating Michael up.

The benefits of using the different types of lighting throughout the movie help to create the feel for each scene. They also help to create the mood that is to be felt creating drama and suspense during the movie. The lighting used throughout the movie helps to contribute to this genre to create a nostalgic feel of this era that has passed. Had different lighting techniques been used it would have taken away from the feel of the movie. Had high-key lighting been used in some of the scenes it would not have given the movie the feel that wrong was being done or was from a different era. The movie would not have had as serious of a feel had different lighting types been used.

Goodykoontz, B., & Jacobs, C.P. (2014). Film: From watching to seeing (2nd ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

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